Combining Planar Features in a 3-D sketch?

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Combining Planar Features in a 3-D sketch?

Unread post by Ballfreak10 »

EDIT: I resolved this by just doing a regular old 2-D sketch on a reference plane :).

Hi all,

I'm referencing the 3-D sketch in the attached...

So what I want to do is to take the sketch on the XZ plane and put it at the angle of the line in the XY plane.

But how could I...go about doing this...? Sorry - new to 3-D sketches, haha.

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Combining Planar Features in a 3-D sketch?

Unread post by matt »

You could select the stuff in the 3D sketch you want to copy, Ctrl-C, then open a sketch on a plane and ctrl-V to paste it.

Or Use Convert entities in a sketch on the Top (xz) plane, and then make a derived sketch on the front plane.

Or make a sketch block in the 3D sketch, and use it in the 2d sketch.

Or give up on 3D sketches for stuff like this, they don't play well with other things.
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Re: Combining Planar Features in a 3-D sketch?

Unread post by josh »

You'll probably get better results by telling us what end result you want. It's likely there are better ways to approach the model than this 3D sketch.
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