I'm trying to automate the export of the embedded files (PDF and Office) from the design binder of a part,
I could open the files and save them but it's unreliable.
So I tried to write the buffer to a file, but there is some extra data that makes it unreadable.
Does someone know the encoding or serialization used for this buffer?
Code: Select all
Const swCommands_Activate_Doc_Or_Journal As Integer = 2059
Private Sub ExtractOLE()
Dim swApp As SldWorks
swApp = GetObject(, "SldWorks.Application")
Dim swModel As ModelDoc2
swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
Dim vOleObjs As Object
vOleObjs= swModel.Extension.GetOLEObjects(0)
Dim i As Integer
For Each swOleObj As SwOLEObject In vOleObjs
i += 1
'Console.WriteLine(" Filename: " & swOleObj.FileName & " Is linked? " & swOleObj.IsLinked)
'Console.WriteLine(" Buffer size: " & swOleObj.BufferSize)
'open the file
'swModel.Extension.RunCommand(swCommands_Activate_Doc_Or_Journal, "")
'Extract the file
Dim OleData As Byte()
OleData = swOleObj.Buffer
File.WriteAllBytes("C:\temp\test" & i & ".pdf", OleData)
End Sub