centerline generation

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centerline generation

Unread post by bearsfeat »

Hi folks!
You know how when you sketch a slot and extrude it, a temporary axis is created at the center of the slot? In the sketch feature, there is a point (asterisk) that seems to generate a CL when it gets extruded. Well, how can I create that in any sketch? Pro/E has (had?) a "datum Point" feature in sketcher that does this. I have had a few times where this would have been a nice thing. As soon as you destroy the slot and turn it into lines and arcs, that point in the center doesn't do anything.

I guess I could simply add a slot and make the slot construction geometry. I just thought of that - If this thread stays empty, that will be my future workaround.

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Re: centerline generation

Unread post by jcapriotti »

I don't see a way to make it do that for any sketch point....looks like it's hard coded. You could just add a regular Axis by selecting the sketch point and the face of the part.
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Re: centerline generation

Unread post by TTevolve »

that extra axis is only generated when you use the slot sketch tool, If you want an axis you can put a point in a sketch and use it to generate a regular axis. I actually prefer a regular axis for something I want to use to mate to, as you can pick it in the tree. Also you can hide/show them in the tree vs. the temporary ones have to be hide/show under view.
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Re: centerline generation

Unread post by SPerman »

TTevolve wrote: Fri Sep 23, 2022 9:26 am Also you can hide/show them in the tree vs. the temporary ones have to be hide/show under view.
In some assemblies, showing temporary axis can be overwhelming. Both visually and to the graphics card.
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