PDM Transition that will move files from one folder to another?

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PDM Transition that will move files from one folder to another?

Unread post by VicFrauenfeld »

Hey everyone, just wondering if anyone would be willing to help me.

I would like to move files from one folder to another when that file is transitioned in PDM.

Anyone have any thoughts on how I can set this up?

I think it will need to be a dispatch addin that is run by a task. Would anyone be willing to share the addin text that they have running?

Thanks in advance for any help.
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Re: PDM Transition that will move files from one folder to another?

Unread post by bnemec »

I think this is what you might be looking for, but IIRC there's some concern about what exactly happens when any of the where used files are checked out, at any level of the where used tree. Or if the file happens to be open in Solidworks when the task is triggered, which is normal if the user is using the PDM add-in to do PDM actions.

https://www.javelin-tech.com/blog/2017/ ... move-file/

The help page has a link to related KB articles that you might want to skim through before trying this. Moving/Renaming files in vault can work in the right scenario but requires care.

https://help.solidworks.com/2019/englis ... f7e2e8#Pg0

https://kbsw.3ds.com/mashup-ui/page/sld ... portal_enu
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Re: PDM Transition that will move files from one folder to another?

Unread post by jcapriotti »

We do this with a dispatch script that triggers after a transition on our workflow. Pretty simple.

The catch is if you have these files open in SolidWorks, then it will cause an error. For us this is done at the end of a workflow for files that we no longer use so it's not likely the user would have them open.
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Re: PDM Transition that will move files from one folder to another?

Unread post by andrew.gunstone »

hello, any help possible on this - we are wanting to get files that go from WIP to archive, or Eng released to obsolete to be moved to an archive folder within the project...

im struggling to get it to do anything other than drop then in the root folder archive folder..

cant find any help with the actual path links online atall...

thanks in advance!
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Re: PDM Transition that will move files from one folder to another?

Unread post by jcapriotti »

@andrew.gunstone Are you trying this with Dispatch or the API?
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Re: PDM Transition that will move files from one folder to another?

Unread post by VicFrauenfeld »

Here is a little update on my situation.

I originally needed this ability because we are looking at migrating a lot of CAD data to our PDM vault from a network folder location. I didn't want to worry about moving the files into other folders within the PDM system during the migration (long story, don't ask).

I found a free tool from EquivaQ Software that moves a file during transitions. I have set this up in a test vault and it seems to be working great. We have not migrated the data into the production vault, but I don't think there will be any issues.

Here is a link to the website for the add-in: https://equivaq.com/product/move-file-tool

I will note that the documentation for the add-in is out of date. I contacted their support and got help through emails.
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Re: PDM Transition that will move files from one folder to another?

Unread post by andrew.gunstone »

Hello sorry i didnt see your response.

im trying dispatch - we have project folders like this:

Project 1
01mechanical CAD
02electrical CAD

Project 2


we want dispatch to chuck all files that are obsolete or archived into the archive folder that is within 01mechanical CAD folder

What i was trying to do was use %CurrentFolderPath%\02 CAD FILES\01 MECHANICAL CAD\ARCHIVE\%NameOfSelectedFile%

but it chucks the files at the vault root folder in an archive folder..
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