Solidworks - Cutlist and Display states issues.

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Solidworks - Cutlist and Display states issues.

Unread post by Ziiiiidaaaas »

Hello guys.

I have a two problems with Solid Works I don't know how to deal with.

Weldment cut list - Angle1, Angle 2

So, I have for example flat bar in a model (green ones), made by structural member and trimmed. That one is ok in the Cutlist, ANGLE 1 and ANGLE 2 is there. But when I mirror this flat bar or move it anyhow with direct editing and trim it again (red ones), there is only a dash instead of ANGLE 1 and ANGLE 2 in the cut list. Does anyone know where might be a problem by any chance?

Display states - hidden parts appears in the drawings.

The second problem I have is with display states. I have a part and I have a few display states made of it.

When I choose a concrete display state I wanna work with on a drawing, even parts that are supposed to be hidden appear there. Sometimes when I try to switch between display states in the model, a part appears even there and I have to hide it again. Everything is shown in the pictures.

If anyone has any ideas on how to solve any of this, that would be great! Thank you and have a nice Saturday.Image
REEDIT 4.jpg
REEDIT 3.jpg
REEDIT 2.jpg
REEDIT 1.jpg
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Re: Solidworks - Cutlist and Display states issues.

Unread post by Glenn Schroeder »

Regarding the first one, I don't have columns for the angles. If it's not 90° on each end then I detail the part. Knowing the angle isn't much help anyway without knowing which direction the cut is.

The second one will likely be difficult to diagnose without the files.
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Re: Solidworks - Cutlist and Display states issues.

Unread post by AlexLachance »

Hidden part appearing in the drawing is most likely caused by how it was made originally.

Most likely was hidden in drawing originally then hidden in part. So the view most likely has the body to hide/show selected in it's view properties.

The angled cut most likely don't appear because they are not in the same direction as the others, as Glenn mentioned.
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Re: Solidworks - Cutlist and Display states issues.

Unread post by mp3-250 »

cutlist are very sensitive and the data you get is taken from the weldment profile feature. any direct edit should not affect these properties afaik.
I would not challenge the cutlist system with mirrors and direct edits too much. since you mentioned the mirror another thing to check is how
the mirror is created: cutlists are BODY sensitive, if you created a FEATURE mirror, even if it looks like the same as a body mirror, the body count would not be correct and strange things could happen.

display states
i agree with the previous comments. better to reset the views properties and try to reapply the visual states again. it is also worth to double check the visual states again in the 3d as it is easy to overwrite them unintentionally
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Re: Solidworks - Cutlist and Display states issues.

Unread post by ryan-feeley »

I'll second what @mp3-250 said on display states. They too buggy to fight with. Use them, but don't fight. Just delete and re-create. Even this process is a bit quirky.

1. Switch to the "ConfigurationManager" tab
2. Click somewhere in the normal graphics area to take focus away from the ConfigurationManager
3. Without clicking anywhere else, RMB in empty space in the "display states" section of the "ConfigurationManager". Select "Remove all display states"

This will leave you with one display state, named whatever it was when you did the remove, but with all the internal state deleted. Now recreate them as you need for your drawing. Rinse and repeat if they ever act up again.
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Re: Solidworks - Cutlist and Display states issues.

Unread post by TTevolve »

On my weldments I use configurations instead of display states do tho the weirdness that happens with them.
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