I am trying to write some VBA that sets the "Component Display" of the assemblies and parts in an assembly to "Default Display". I was hoping to find a method in IComponent2, but am having no luck. Any advice is appreciated.
Thank You,
Assembly "Component Display" setting
Re: Assembly "Component Display" setting
I think the official way is to use DisplayMode Property (IModelDocExtension).
However, much easier (and probably also working for you) is to use that:
swApp.runcommand 2567, ""
Just preselect the desired components and then run that command.
However, much easier (and probably also working for you) is to use that:
swApp.runcommand 2567, ""
Just preselect the desired components and then run that command.
Re: Assembly "Component Display" setting
Thank you, RonE. That worked great!