Report writers/ERP/Displays etc etc

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Report writers/ERP/Displays etc etc

Unread post by MJuric »

My company use Global Shop for our ERP I'm trying to create some, what I would call, very basic reports. I'm completely uneducated with Global Shop and thus have zero idea how to do this. Unfortunately, while we have decent IT support for the program we don't really have anyone that is "Good" using it. When we moved to GS everyone was trained on the things that were their job so if you try to do something that falls out of the box, no one has a clue.

That being said the reports I would like to do would be piece of cake on DB like MS Access. Essentially all I want to do is to pull data from some fields and display it. In some case the pulled data would take some digging like "This assembly is made from these parts">"do we have these parts in stock">"Are these parts in MFG?">"When are they supposed to be done?" That kind of stuff.

Again in Access or other DB's I've used this pretty simple.

However, with Global Shop, it seems that anything you want done needs seventeen meetings, a week of installation and implementation and typically we end up with something "Close" to what we want.

That being said, from what I can tell, Global shop works with Crystal reports and they also have their own "Report Writer" called GAB.

My question here is does anyone have any experience with this kind of thing? How hard/easy/Possible is it to interface with your ERP system to create a custom report? I know, silly of me, but I would think that a product like that would have a front end to it where you could just build a custom report. "I want this stuff displayed on my report"....I've not been able to find anything like that which is actually part of the software and IT, the only people that are "Supposed to know" have not come up with anything over the last couple months so I'm assuming that it doesn't exist or they don't know about it.

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Re: Report writers/ERP/Displays etc etc

Unread post by jcapriotti »

What db does it run on? For something like SQL, maybe they can create a read only account and you link the SQL db view to Access or Excel and then use those to build your report.
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Re: Report writers/ERP/Displays etc etc

Unread post by Ömür Tokman »

There was a similar program at my old workplace, but the accounting and production planning departments were using it for stock, sales.
They had prepared product recipes, the product name was on the main list, when you clicked on the product, all the parts that made up that product were listed. (quantity, price, user manual, technical drawings, suppliers, number of stocks, type of material, everything related to that product, etc.)
In addition, a lower limit and an upper limit were determined for each part, and when the stock quantity reaches the lower limit, that part is produced.
but such programs are mostly company specific and comprehensive. Only the manufacturer of the program can help you, beyond that, people can only give you a general idea.
The company I work for now uses a similar program, but the manufacturer does not teach us anything other than how to use it. (to monopolize)
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