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Tone-deafness has reached a new high...

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:45 pm
by josh
Aseninity level: Legendary!

Re: Tone-deafness has reached a new high...

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 4:37 pm
by mike miller
I.......just don't know what to say.

Maybe this would help:
Even the brand is fitting.

Re: Tone-deafness has reached a new high...

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 4:38 pm
by DennisD
josh wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:45 pm Aseninity level: Legendary!
Josh, I also made that same point to them well over a year ago. Anybody that is posting an image is trying to only show something. Anybody that is posting a file is inherently trying to share the file with others. Requiring that the user go through extra steps to authorize the file to be downloaded was and still is incredibly stupid.

These kinds of "errors of judgement" on their part do more than frustrate forum users, they make us distrust the capabilities of that forum and ultimately stop using it, or at least those worthless "features". And then they (DSS) have the nerve to ask us to be patient and to trust them, that they hear us and are working on it. Really?! They hear us? Why didn't they pay attention to us when they were designing this thing (3DSwamp) in the first place. We were certainly trying to tell them what we wanted! Apparently they know better than we do what is good for us.

Note that I did not use the rant font. This isn't a rant; it's just truth.

Re: Tone-deafness has reached a new high...

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 4:40 pm
by AlexLachance
Thanks Josh for highlighting what is so obvious yet easily forgotten, most likely when looking at the "bigger picture". I think it's easy to aim for something and lose sight of what is essential and what isn't. I appreciate how you often find a direct but polite way of telling people your 2 cents or simply explaining something. Hopefully it reaches the right ear.

Re: Tone-deafness has reached a new high...

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 4:48 pm
by Glenn Schroeder
Maybe he meant "attach" instead of "display"? Or something similar, so that the person posting the file didn't have to jump through hoops so we could open them?

In any case, while the problems with that platform are many, I think the most glaring one is that it's so difficult to attach a file so that others can use it. Did it not occur to anyone that that could be a problem?

Re: Tone-deafness has reached a new high...

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 5:49 pm
by bnemec
Sounds like The Platform (of which SWYM is just one small part. Right? or no?) is doing a great job in being collaboratively disruptive. This is supposed to be the place where everyone in your network can work with each other's data because it's all on The Platform, together, seamlessly.

This type of thing is just cementing my perception of SaaS for enterprise level software.
They rolled out a change in which users cannot edit their comment and right away, "ooops we'll get right on that ASAP." It is illogical to think the cad models will behave any different. To me this is the same as "Hey, the Cloudworks was updated last night now nobody can save changes to their models." Response, "Don't worry we're getting right on it." "Well, right after we get this new enhancement that will let supervisors look at your files finished, then we'll get back to allowing you to edit your work."

Reminds me of computer science labs where we would fail the assignment if one test failed no matter how many bells and whistles we added beyond the assigned scope. I can still hear the instructors, "You have to make it right before you can make it better, otherwise you're just making more wrong."

Re: Tone-deafness has reached a new high...

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:35 pm
by zwei
Whats the point? Wont this make a already slow platform slower UGH.

Re: Tone-deafness has reached a new high...

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:53 pm
by brandonklar
Such a mess. o[
It was difficult to even find that post.
I thought maybe they would just port Solidworks to a cloud offering, but this whole 3DExperience movement is far worse than I ever could have imagined.

Re: Tone-deafness has reached a new high...

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2022 4:28 pm
by Andy_Sanders
mike miller wrote: Thu Feb 24, 2022 4:37 pm I.......just don't know what to say.

Maybe this would help:

Even the brand is fitting.
I have one of those!