SW2022 PDM critical bug? vault folder rights blown up...

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SW2022 PDM critical bug? vault folder rights blown up...

Unread post by mp3-250 »


pdm administration UI is apparently bugged! you risk to overwrite other folderor your vault root permissions!

I spent hours to reset all the folder rights in our vault and I do not how this issue happened.

I added a sub (sub) folder to our vault root and I opened the engineer user group in the PDM administration, then I added the folder to their rights folder page and from there I unchecked all that folder rights.

almost immediately all the engineers lost their rights to add, save and delete almost immediately.
those folders are two level up my subfolder in the root of our pdm vault...

Fortunately my collegue made a settings matrix in excel extracted from the SQL DB and I cross checked the backups against the current settings.

it took 4 hours to check the folders, status, transition... permissions etc for every user group and I am not still sure what happened. I can say that the main problem was the folder permissions, but there was some discrepancy between user group settings and individual settings.

I am not totally new to this kind of operation: some month ago I had to move a big folder in the root of the vault and reorganize its structure.
I set the permission from scratch like this time, but there was no problem at the time.

I did not build this vault, but the ex admin told me to be careful with the permissions UI as it does not always match the DB and some user settings supersede its group...
in that regard I noticed that creating a new pdm user copying another user the settings seems to be copied and applied according to the group, but making a user from zero and adding it to the same groups leave some sertting partially applied.

Honestly I would admit my mistake, but I do not understand what went wrong and why it went wrong like this.

PS I made the changes on our test vault before going live.


I was able to reproduce the cause and sent the screen capture video to my VAR. this bug happens sometimes and I was able to reproduce it 3 o 4 times retrying the same operation multiple times.

1. open administration
2. select a user group and open its folder permission
3. check the permission tab on the left
4. switch on the permission tab on the right
5. add button
6. select a vault subfolder from the dialog and confirm

**at this point the folder appears in the path list and its user permissions list SHOULD have unchecked permissions below

7. folder is added to the path list
8. permission list is not clear and shows some checks
9. try to select the folder again from the path list again the permissions are STILL CHECKED
10. reselect ONE MORE TIME the added folder from the path after selecting a different folder and ALL THE CHECKBOXES ARE NOW CLEAR

if you stopped like me at 9: congratulations! you broke the vault permissions like I did unchecking what I thought was the added folder permissions instead I modified GOD KNOWS WHAT instead.

have a nice day
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Re: SW2022 PDM critical bug? vault folder rights blown up...

Unread post by rodface »

Good for you, with such a well defined process it should be simple for them to identify and fix the bug. And I agree that this is quite critical.
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