Conveyor with a Twist..

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Conveyor with a Twist..

Unread post by Darthdury »

I have a project that has a simple conveyor with multiple segments that at some point in the path needs to twist so the segment can be tilted up to 45° I have a main path and have created a projected curve for the path to raise the segment (not sure of the angle). My issue is I cannot get more than one segment to follow the path with the mates I have. As can be seen from the pic I have used path mates for the twist path and a path mate for the travel, and a coincidence mate to link the segments (note the segments shown are for example, the will be 2 types of segment in the final assembly).

I am thinking now along the lines of a rollercoaster track and car..

I am hoping the solution is obvious and I will slap my forehead when it is pointed out to me, but any suggestions are welcome.

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Re: Conveyor with a Twist..

Unread post by TTevolve »

I am thinking you want concentric mates and not coincident ones. Lock in your pins with CONCENTRIC mates to connect the segments and the path mate to move one segment around the curve, the other one should follow.
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