Welcome to CAD Company Employees, Resellers and Students

Several announcements for new users.
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Welcome to CAD Company Employees, Resellers and Students

Unread post by matt »

I want to make sure that it is clear that everybody is welcome here. CAD company employees, Resellers, Educators and Students.

If your employer doesn't want you on this site, I encourage you to register with a pseudonym. We don't require real names. All we ask of you is to participate in good faith. We need people to ask questions as well as answer questions, and even people to voice unsolicited opinions! (on topic of course).

You don't have to give away company secrets, but we want everybody to participate. We need various points of view. My point of view is from product design, plastics, and complex shapes. We have a lot of machine design and sheet metal folks. No matter what you do, I'm sure there is someone who will find it interesting. Please join the discussion.
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