https://r1132100503382-eu1-3dswym.3dexp ... UfZJw5ywCw
I am not really familiar with the Online Licensing... does it mean user who do not have a network license now have to "DEACTIVATE" and "ACTIVATE" when they switch machine? (eg: change pc when WFH, etc)Dear SOLIDWORKS Online Licensing User,
SOLIDWORKS Online Licensing was introduced with SOLIDWORKS 2018 SP2.0 as an alternative to machine-based activation licenses.
However, the vast majority of our clients continue to use machine activation. Given the low adoption of online licensing, it is not feasible to maintain the complex infrastructure needed to support it. Consequently, we have decided to discontinue SOLIDWORKS Online Licensing.
The target phase-out date is February 12th, 2022.
Are we going back in time?

Seem like nowadays DS like to close/discontinue a working feature/function/platform without providing an acceptable alternative