Who else is MAD GrabCAD Workbench is being killed off?

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Who else is MAD GrabCAD Workbench is being killed off?

Unread post by len_1962 »

We have used it here at ASU for our students Mechanical Capstone project since 2012 there isn't anything out as simple and robust as it.

I contacted them and they say it has run its course and you'll have to use something else, then they told me Drop Box, heck they even state on their site how GrabCAD Workbench is way better. Yes I know it's been free, heck we would be willing to pay for it because it works so well!

Now we are looking into 3D Experience for collaboration, man not impressed, but only been playing with it for a couple of days.

Please blast Stratasys about this, go see them at IMTS if you are there and tell them Lenny's not happy grumph ~~~~
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Re: Who else is MAD GrabCAD Workbench is being killed off?

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Cant believe they are killing it. <()>
https://blog.grabcad.com/blog/2022/08/0 ... workbench/

Does Stratasys just kill it because it does not align with their business model... grumph

Their blog mentioned GradCAD Shop as "a solution better than workbench" but it is not even close
A solution better than Workbench
You might have noticed that we have borrowed some of the GrabCAD Workbench concepts into our new 3D printing workflow product, GrabCAD Shop. If you are interested in this product or any of our other additive manufacturing products you can learn more about them by visiting our homepage.
len_1962 wrote: Thu Sep 08, 2022 7:34 pm Now we are looking into 3D Experience for collaboration, man not impressed, but only been playing with it for a couple of days.
I would say don't go down the 3DX path, but look for other 3rd party tool instead...

Maybe OpenBOM or Bild?
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Re: Who else is MAD GrabCAD Workbench is being killed off?

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Yeah, as Zhen stated, don't go the 3DX path, you'll only find pain, anger and anguish
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Re: Who else is MAD GrabCAD Workbench is being killed off?

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AlexLachance wrote: Fri Sep 09, 2022 7:32 am Yeah, as Zhen stated, don't go the 3DX path, you'll only find pain, anger and anguish gloom, despair, and agony on me.
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Re: Who else is MAD GrabCAD Workbench is being killed off?

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DennisD wrote: Fri Sep 09, 2022 8:02 am FIFY
Showing your age there Dennis..........showing my age by responding :lol:
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Re: Who else is MAD GrabCAD Workbench is being killed off?

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jcapriotti wrote: Fri Sep 09, 2022 8:31 am Showing your age there Dennis..........showing my age by responding :lol:
and "I'm just so proud to be here!"
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Re: Who else is MAD GrabCAD Workbench is being killed off?

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Our humor has changed a bit in the last 40 years.
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Re: Who else is MAD GrabCAD Workbench is being killed off?

Unread post by mattpeneguy »

AlexLachance wrote: Fri Sep 09, 2022 7:32 am Yeah, as Zhen stated, don't go the 3DX path, you'll only find pain, anger and anguish
C'mon @AlexLachance quit spreading such disinformation...as you know, he'll also find despair and frustration...

We call it the "Deep pit of despair and frustration" for a reason.
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Re: Who else is MAD GrabCAD Workbench is being killed off?

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Grabcad can burn in hell as far as I'm concerned. My first interaction with Grabcad was to have them remove a PDF copy of one of my books that they were just letting people download. That really annoyed me. https://dezignstuff.com/why-do-they-call-it-grabcad/

And then after that, I found dozens of CAD parts that I had modeled that had been uploaded by someone else as if they had modeled it. They got their start by stealing high quality models from people with skills and letting just anyone upload them. There was stuff off my website, stuff from my book. Stuff that I had modeled for the SW training classes, for other online courses. It wasn't like the people who uploaded the files had just followed my directions, modeled the part themselves, and uploaded what they did - no, they just uploaded my original models directly and claimed them as their own... And I wasn't the only one. There were lots of other people who people were ripping off and uploading to grabcad as if it were their own.

The big motivation for uploading someone else's models? To get points (that have no real value), and have people tell you what great models you have.

I used to go through the site every couple of months and send lists of models that were misrepresented.

Of course they were getting started in the days of the MegaUpload, so giving away other people's stuff as a way to gain notoriety was hardly a new idea.

So if grabcad fades, I say good riddance. It would have been so easy to start the same business legitimately, but this is how people with more ambition than skills operate.
If you can't tell, this whole topic annoys me a little.
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Re: Who else is MAD GrabCAD Workbench is being killed off?

Unread post by len_1962 »

matt wrote: Fri Sep 09, 2022 1:13 pm Grabcad can burn in hell as far as I'm concerned. My first interaction with Grabcad was to have them remove a PDF copy of one of my books that they were just letting people download. That really annoyed me. https://dezignstuff.com/why-do-they-call-it-grabcad/

And then after that, I found dozens of CAD parts that I had modeled that had been uploaded by someone else as if they had modeled it. They got their start by stealing high quality models from people with skills and letting just anyone upload them. There was stuff off my website, stuff from my book. Stuff that I had modeled for the SW training classes, for other online courses. It wasn't like the people who uploaded the files had just followed my directions, modeled the part themselves, and uploaded what they did - no, they just uploaded my original models directly and claimed them as their own... And I wasn't the only one. There were lots of other people who people were ripping off and uploading to grabcad as if it were their own.

The big motivation for uploading someone else's models? To get points (that have no real value), and have people tell you what great models you have.

I used to go through the site every couple of months and send lists of models that were misrepresented.

Of course they were getting started in the days of the MegaUpload, so giving away other people's stuff as a way to gain notoriety was hardly a new idea.

So if grabcad fades, I say good riddance. It would have been so easy to start the same business legitimately, but this is how people with more ambition than skills operate.
If you can't tell, this whole topic annoys me a little.
Matt I am sorry to hear that and I did read the threads on there that people had taken other work and uploaded it and I agree that isn't right by any means. and yes they should pull them off if it can be proven they didn't create the files.

I wouldn't doubt there a part files from McMaster Carr too or from any other of the sights that let you download their solid files.
Most don't have that integrity to do their own work.
I am not sure if that was before Stratasys bought them or after.

I am ANNOYED with is the Workbench portion, the file storage and collaboration that has been invaluable to our students and the machine shop I run as we work on all their parts during the design and manufacturing stag.

We have used it since 2012, it is like Drop Box on steroids, you get the local folders on your PC and also the cloud version that has version control (light PDMish) keep SW associativity, has a 3D viewer that can rotate, hide\show, explode and section you 3d files without the native program from any browser.

This almost makes me not want to use our Stratasys Fortus 400 3D printer, but it's the only one we have and it make super clean and accurate parts.
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Re: Who else is MAD GrabCAD Workbench is being killed off?

Unread post by len_1962 »

olegshilovitsky wrote: Mon Sep 26, 2022 7:09 am Dear Friends, At OpenBOM, we provide an alternative for GrabCAD Workbench. Please check it out. If you have questions, please contact support @ openbom dot com. We are happy to help and we answer quick. Check for more information here - https://www.openbom.com/blog/from-grabc ... t-platform. Best, Oleg

Thanx for taking the time to talk with me earlier today and explaining what your software can\could do for us here at ASU.

I will be sending out an email to our IT group here at the Fulton School of Engineering and from there we will se what happens.

have a great day

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Re: Who else is MAD GrabCAD Workbench is being killed off?

Unread post by Brian-M »

Some alternatives were suggested here
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