Best None-Subscription CAD Options

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Best None-Subscription CAD Options

Unread post by NinjaNick »

Hi, I'm new here. Recently I started using FreeCAD and although I'm not new to CAD, I haven't done any CAD for a very long time. I have however used other 3D software for over 20years. Mostly Lightwave3D. I'm finding FreeCAD is sort of working for my current needs. I'm making designs for my laser cutter to sell online. I actually quite like FreeCAD, but nearly every day it annoys the hell out of me by doing something unexpectedly stupid. All of my designs use the spreadsheet to calculate various things as well as to be used as a parameter for use in the models.

As I'm trying to make money the "Free" part of FreeCAD is perfect. I am however open to spending a little cash on something better, but not subscription based. I've looked at various options, but not found any concrete answers. Anyone have any ideas? I'm open to spending a few hundred ££. I Suppose I could stretch to a cheaper annual subscription if I have to!

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Re: Best None-Subscription CAD Options

Unread post by Cadmonkeychris »

No recent experience of low cost, non-subscription CAD but you could look at Alibre Atom (available from Mintronics in the UK).

Another thought is Punch! ViaCAD Pro which has IIRC a lot in common with Ashlar's CAD (Argon, Xenon, Cobalt).

Then there are the various flavours of IntelliCAD, useful if you have an AutoCAD background.

Not sure how any of the above handle direct spreadsheet input.
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Re: Best None-Subscription CAD Options

Unread post by NinjaNick »

Thanks. The in-built spreadsheet function in FreeCAD has been one of the biggest unanswered questions in this problem. I can't seem to find out how any other CAD software handles this sort of thing. I've tried TurboCAD and ProgeCAD demos. If they have a spreadsheet, it's not obvious! I'm making products that I export multiple versions of each design. I don't want to design every version.
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Re: Best None-Subscription CAD Options

Unread post by Arthur NY »

Onshape, Rhino3D, Blender, Solidedge, Plasticity, and MOI are all viable alternatives. They're not all CAD but they are all 3D software's can can make things ready for your purposes. Not all of them can use excel to drive parameters and make changes but there are other ways to work with the software to enact procedural changes. (i.e. Rhino and Grasshopper).

Just as an aside, if this is something you're going to start as a business then the cost of any hardware/computer is something you can write off. Especially if you extend the cost over the next 3 to 5 years. Not to put words into your writing/mouth, but if you've paid for a laser cutter or 3D printer...etc but then want the software that is necessary to create the designs to run the machines then why sell yourself short and go cheap?

Also Lightwave has been acquired and there's talk about a possible revival. Part of the team that left Lightwave went on to then make a software called Modo, which is one of my favorite 3D softwares of all time.
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Re: Best None-Subscription CAD Options

Unread post by SPerman »

I'm not sure if this qualifies as "cheaper annual subscription" but Fusion 360 is less than $400/year right now. I'm sure it will do everything you require, and allow you to expand your capabilities as needed.
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Re: Best None-Subscription CAD Options

Unread post by NinjaNick »

Thanks for the thoughts. I do realise I'm possibly limiting myself by using FreeCAD, which is half the reason I'd rather spend a bit of cash to get something worth properly digging deep into. I do really want Plasticity...although until I buy a CNC it would only be for fun! I've not upgraded Lightwave since 2015, but would definitely if it was to be modernised. I've used it since the Amiga.

After having a look around a bit more I'm back to considering Fusion360. I just don't like my stuff being stuck in the cloud, being held hostage by Autodesk! ;)
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Re: Best None-Subscription CAD Options

Unread post by Cadmonkeychris »

Fusion360 is very good IMO but cloud storage is a big No! for various clients.
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Re: Best None-Subscription CAD Options

Unread post by NinjaNick »

Cadmonkeychris wrote: Mon Jul 31, 2023 11:16 am Fusion360 is very good IMO but cloud storage is a big No! for various clients.
That's my main worry. I have played with Fusion360 a bit and can see the potential. There just doesn't seem to be a CAD program that strikes that balance of power to cost and with the choice of when/if you upgrade. TurboCAD might be the closest I can see, but having played with it a little bit I'm not convinced! I'm not a fan of the interface and it costs about the same as Fusion360 when it's on a sale.
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Re: Best None-Subscription CAD Options

Unread post by jcapriotti »

@NinjaNick Maybe you could expand on how you are using a spreadsheet in Freecad? Can you show a screenshot?
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Re: Best None-Subscription CAD Options

Unread post by tsmith »

I'd look at Rhino 3d, it's affordable, non-subscription and with Grasshopper (visual / node based programming) you'll be able to do what you want with external data sources.

Using Grasshopper for parametric CAD is distinctly different from FreeCAD (and pretty much everything else).

If you are looking for something that is similar to FreeCAD, Solid Edge might be better for you, they have a community version that you can use for free while you are learning and some fairly extensive training videos. However, it is subscription.
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Re: Best None-Subscription CAD Options

Unread post by NinjaNick »

@jcapriotti Sorry I thought this thread had gone silent. I'm using the spreadsheet so I can make a design that can be simply changed by altering values in the spreadsheet. One of my designs is for a box to be laser cut. There are 3 values for the basic dimensions and one for the material thickness. Then it calculates the tab size etc. It's much better than manually going back changing dimensions on each part.

After doing more research on this I think I've come to the conclusion that my biggest issue is with cloud only. I'm finding it very difficult to make a decision! Especially after getting so deep into FreeCAD writing macros etc.
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Re: Best None-Subscription CAD Options

Unread post by NinjaNick »

@tsmith I'm going to download Rhino and have a look, thanks.
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Re: Best None-Subscription CAD Options

Unread post by len_1962 »

NinjaNick wrote: Sat Aug 26, 2023 3:12 am @tsmith I'm going to download Rhino and have a look, thanks.
Rhino can do alot but it isn't parametric, and it is bassacwards between left and right mouse clicks, not windows complient.

It is more like how Illistrator and CorelDraw UI works not like a true CAD software UI have worked since they started.

I took a class on it here at ASU thru the design school and was a struggle because I use SW everyday in the shop I manage at ASU for the engineering department.

Now there is SW Maker for $99\year or $9.99\month, heck you'd spend more on beer at the bar watching you favorite NFL team UU


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