Started printing with them, there were huge delays that they would blame on the network, without providing the service to adress the issue and throwing the blame on the customer. When I say huge delays, I mean well over 30 seconds between each page being printed.
Keep in mind, at that moment, we are not even 3 months into the contract. Our external IT company did some miracles and somewhat got it down close to what the previous delay was(a second or so) but there were still major issues, such as requiring the printer to be deleted and reinstalled upon every driver update (that just so happens to occur every week) because the driver update blocks somewhere.
Again, Xerox provided no support, blaming it on the users and the network, rather then their hardware, without explaining why we were experiencing this while the previous hardware from their competitor was not having these issues. So, for a while I had to update every printer on every computer in the company every damn week. I eventually did a little "How-to" document for inside the company to explain how to do the whole "delete and reinstall printer" procedure to fix the driver issue. I still have to fix about 10% of the computers, but that removed a bit of the workload for me, without actually fixing the damned issue.

Move in closer to present, the printer gave us a warning approximately 2 weeks ahead of time to say it would run out of ink. Last week, about 2 days before we ran out of ink, Xerox called us to inform us that they did not have ink cartridges at their storages and that it would take 2 to 3 work days for them to get it and another 1 to 2 work day for us to get it. Let me explain the idiocy behind these printers. Their cartridges are actually programmed to go to a specific printer, so while we do have 3 identical printers inside the company, none of them can use the same cartridges, brilliant isn't it?
So, we finished the week without being able to print new projects for the shop, expecting things to be back to normal this week. Spoke to my boss, explaining the obvious absurdity of the issue, my boss kind of nodded in approval of what was being said by me and others but does not seem to want to break the contract that binds us to them. Cartridge arrived this morning, yay right? HELL NAW! This wasn't the end of it. Now the cartridge is installed, but guess what, the printer is back to the speed it was 6 months ago, printing a page every 30 seconds, even if it's a 200 page document and not 200 documents of 1 page. Absurd.
Thank god vacations are arriving, I'll be off next week for my annual fishing trip up north and then will have 2 more weeks off from july 12 to july 28.